The SPIDER Message Server (SMS) lies at the heart of the SPIDER product suite and is the core product of SPIDER Software.
With SPIDER, SPIDER Software is presenting a message-based Routing and Mapping Software, which is optimised for the special requirements of the financial industry.
Together with the SPIDER Agents, the SPIDER Message Server forms the communication layer between: Banks, Brokers, Custodians, Clearing Houses, Client-Applications, Data Providers, ECNs, Exchanges, Front- and Back-Office, Fund management firms, Multi-Bank-Portals, Web-Interfaces
The SPIDER Product Suite consists of the core SPIDER Message Server (SMS) and the SPIDER Agents, which interface with external Systems.
Automated Mapping, Distributed Architecture, Multi Platform
The SPIDER Message Server easily transforms the structure of the source data into the data format of the target application. The SPIDER Agents are bound to the SMS via TCP/IP Sockets. This enables the agents to be flexibly installed - either with the SMS or on different machines/OS.
Automated Routing
The SPIDER Message Server routes your data (orders, funds, securities, price feeds, corporate actions, settlement information, etc.) via the SPIDER Agents to your business partners.
Multi-Exchange Connectivity
The SPIDER Agents connect to exchanges, brokers, data providers and to a multitude of systems and formats in the global financial market.
Single Point of Access
Provides a unified access to diverse, external systems. This is usually done with an XML interface.
Secure and Data-Persistent
SPIDER provides a secure and data-persistent STP-environment. Automated message caching, automated restarting and automated alerts to administrators ensure the high reliability.
Cascading / Clustering
The interlinking of several SMS to one cascading server maximises reliability. The SPIDER Message Server is also clusterable, thus adding even more to the persistence of your data.
The SPIDER Message Server is fully scaleable. If you need to adjust your system to meet the growing requirements of a dynamic market, only a hardware upgrade will be necessary. SPIDER's scaleability ensures suitability for any size of business.
SNMP Trapping
SPIDER reduces the administrative effort. All problems which can not be solved automatically, eg an external interface is suddenly offline, will be instantly reported to the administrator via SNMP-Traps. These traps can be monitored with any industry standard trap monitor.